Kinda Sad...
I wasn't sure if I should actually write this blog. I have struggled with how to approach this topic. I am extremely happy with the new me... I feel amazing and have SO much energy. However, not everyone responds kind or positive when they haven't seen me in sometime, and yes it may be a shock to see me 70 lbs smaller. In all honesty majority of the people ARE supportive, happy, encouraging, and have nice things to say. A little bit of me wants to clear the air & a little bit of me wants to address this because it makes me sad that some people actually respond this way. I have been 100% transparent in my journey I have been open about the process, struggles & the transformation. The hardest part is when I hear about when I am the topic of peoples conversations and they assume "HOW" I have lost the weight! They speculate... by making comments like " she's not eating enough", or "maybe she's taking something?"
What medications am I currently taking? I take a anticonvulsant medication because I was diagnosed 7 years ago with a seizure disorder. The main reason I take this medication is for my migraines. This medication is called Topamax. I have been taking this medication for 7 years. Some say it can help with weight loss. Guess what folks... I was talking this medication prior to ALL my weight loss and NOPE!! It did't help then! I was even on a larger does prior. The doctor's even said before, "you must be one of those who it doesn't help with weight loss." LOL
I also take a thyroid medication called Nature-Throid. Since my thyroid was basically killed by my autoimmune disease. This medication helps my body to function normally. No more sluggish days, and my metabolism has been jump started back to working normally.
I also take a few supplements daily. After having my blood work done I was able to see how low I am in some area. I take daily: Vit B12, Vit D3, and iodine with kelp.
These are the Rx's & supplements I take daily. I just found pictures of the supplements on the left and downloaded. There are a variety of brands available for purchase over the counter. Ask your doctor what daily amount you should be taking before starting. Topmax is a prescribed pill that I get from my doctor. Nature-Throid I also get prescribed from my doctor.
THAT'S ALL!!! Really... I don't owe anyone an explanation or details about my personal medical side of this journey. However, if I am going to be transparent with my journey... I felt I wanted to CLEAR the air.
SO... The NEXT thing on my mind!
Someone said to me, "You are TO SKINNY."
This actually hurt my feelings. I am going to give you the numbers for you to see for yourself. I started my journey at 209 lbs. And today I woke up and got on the scale and weighted in at 138 lbs.
BMI Calculator:
209 lbs = 32.7 which was considered Obesity.
138 lbs = 21.6 and I am considered Normal.
BMI categories are as follows:
Underweight = 0-18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = 30 or greater
This may be a lot of information that you may not care about... but let me say this. I have worked very hard to change from the INSIDE out. Not just for me. This lifestyle change was done 'yes' for my health, however, I did this for my family. I wanted to set an example for my children. I want them to learn 'HOW' to take care of their bodies & health.
We as a family have had a few health hurdles over the past 4-5 years. We have learned about lifelong fitness & health. I have a Master's Degree in Physical Education & Health Science. I am happy to finally be putting this education to it's full potential.
I have felt that this journey has been more than a health transformation. I truly feel that God has been teaching me and calling me in the area of health & fitness on a teaching platform. Sharing with people about our bodies. Growing up we have always read and been taught, feed our soul... be strong in the Lord. The Bible tells us to think on things that are "noble, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy" (Phil. 4:8). Watch our attitudes, minds, spirits... whatever goes in comes out!
What happened to 'FEED THE BODY' that houses the Holy Spirit? I want to teach people how to properly feed our bodies that the Lord has blessed us with. If we don't give our bodies the proper food to function, we shouldn't be shocked when they malfunction.
1 Corinthians 6:12 says:
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.
God expects us to manage our bodies. Our bodies are a gift from God. He loans it to us and it’s our responsibility to manage it well.
What are you doing with what He’s given you?
My diagnosis was a SHOCK to me... I went cold turkey on all the 'CRAP' food and made a lifestyle change for ME!!! This change was the BEST thing that happened to me. I can honestly say that I am not perfect... but I have not cheated on my nutrition. I don't call this a diet (because it's not a diet). It's not hard to say NO to the food's I can't have!! I have made the choice to say NO to that lifestyle.
On October 16th 2013 I said YES to my NEW lifestyle.
I have a strong support crew!! I love my husband and kids! They make this ALL worth it! Ryan has been 100% on board from day One. He cooks for me... & knows HOW to cook for me. I love that he learned from day one how to cook the special way I need. My kids even know I can't eat some things & are very protective when we go out to eat!
Thank you to all my friends & family who have been on this journey with me. I love you all. Thanks for always reading my lovely blogs that are special (& horrible writing skills)!!!
But that's why you all love me!! It wouldn't be a Megan blog without a misspelled word or a funky sentence!! :-)
I have some really fun blog topics coming soon....
Until Next Time...
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