Tuesday, August 19, 2014

6 Areas of Focus When making the Life-Style Change

When you are making the HUGE decision to take a leap of faith.... and make a life-style change. There is ONLY one place to start. INSIDE you. Yes there are outside changes that will take place overtime, however the biggest change that will mold over time is inside out. I have 6 areas I want to share with you today!! 


My first bit of advice is... INNER MOTIVATION

Find some quite time, your bible & a journal. READ from the best manual written and take notes. Getting some motivation at the start of your journey. We need to feel good about ourselves no matter our size or health condition... This type of focus and attitude will allow for us to have success during our journey. This also goes for the type of people who you are surrounding yourself with. If you are spending times with those who tear you down, pull you away from your goals, or have bad habits they might need to be re-evaluated as friends, role models, or associates. 


What are triggers for you? TRIGGERS

Do you use food to cope with disappointment, rejection, boredom, or even personal success? Do you use exercise to burn off frustration? Whatever your personal triggers are do your homework and journal about it so you are aware. Then have a plan... Find a snack that is healthy & make sure you have it on hand. Don't buy the high calorie snacks. Make your self a list of activities to do for when you feel bored. It's about being prepared!!


Change up your daily routine... MIX IT UP

1. Add a few glasses of water to your day. You will be shocked with how your skin, nails, & hair will respond to just more water!! The BEST time of the day to add the glasses of water is about 30 mins before meal time. WHY? This will help you not overeat. 

2. If you are not a gluten free person... try cutting out the white breads, white rice, white processed sugars!! This is a simple thing to cute. I am NOT saying go gluten free or cut ALL carbs... or sugars... This shouldn't be hard at all!! 

3. When you go to a store... park way out front and walk in. YES WALK!! At Work or Church don't park close. This will add about 30 extra mins a day of walking. GREAT way to ad a few steps without even thinking about it. 

4. Set a timer on your phone (we all have a smart phone) So we can set a permanent daily timer. For example 8:30 AM and 1:30PM and stop and do 25 crunches and 10 pushups. At the end of the week you would have done: 350 crunches 140 pushups AWESOME. 


Please plan for snacks... FUEL IS MOST IMPORTANT

You can prep all your snacks for the week on Sunday if you take 1 hour on Sunday evening. If you wait too long between a meal it's common to overeat at your next meal. Find a lunch box or bag that you don't mind traveling with so you can take snacks with you. Having your own snacks on hand is SO important. Don't rely on drive-thru's or stores to grab a snack. You will find high calorie pre packaged snacks & not know what your options are. So BE PREPARED. 


Proper reward system... TREAT vs REWARD

Find that one treat you can have that won't blow your focus and hard work. For example... I found a gluten free, dairy free, soy free chocolate bar that I can have. I buy them and keep them in my freezer. When I feel like I need a little treat I will break one in half and enjoy a little chocolate with a glass of wine. I have learned how to control my portion size. 

But DO NOT use that treat as your REWARD system. When you are working hard... your reward should not be with food. I encourage you to set up a system based on motivation... 

What get's you going? A vacation? An outfit? Get a Jar... For each week of success (doesn't have to be based on weight or inches lost) It can be measured on eating well, staying positive, reading bible...etc. There is NO reason why a reward system has to based solely on the scale. If you are happy and feel like you are moving in the direction you want... GREAT. Add $ or marbles to show your success. Visualizations is a great way to see yourself doing good!! 

Last but not least... GIVE IT TIME

Be patient & invest in the process. Be committed to the process and know that this is a lifestyle change and not a overnight change. Allow your body time to make the changes & allow your body some grace. We all have ups and downs. The process is more than just what we put in our bodies. It's about learning about our bodies, learning about our hearts, & most importantly learning about our creator.

Remember... you WILL have days that you feel like this. 


Stay focused.

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