Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Are you weak in your Core?

I have learned these last few months I have a VERY weak core.  So... I have been doing some research on programs & exercises that help build a strong core.  
Let me make this VERY CLEAR.... Building a strong core DOES NOT mean ONLY doing sit-ups. You must put in equal time building strength in 3 main areas:  

And along with building these 3 areas you MUST be stretching!  I will be the first to admit I am horrible at stretching.  It is the #1 area that i left out of a workout program.  Unfortunately this is a huge factor to why people get hurt.  I suffer from and IT Band issue... I promise you that this is my own fault.  WHY?  I never took the time to stretch, warm, up, or cool down my body properly.  You don't need a huge amount of time for warm-up/cool down and stretching.  But I promise you your body will thank you in the years to come!! 

Ok back to the Abs/Back/Hamstring topic:  When you only do abs day after day, and ignore the back/hamstrings you are causing major issues for your core.  The Core is not just the front side... See the back muscles are included in the CORE area of the body.  Some may be asking why I included hamstrings in my bolded trio above.  Here is why... Back muscles and hamstrings go hand in hand. While having strong hamstrings does have its advantages, hamstrings have a tendency to become short and tight when not maintained. This can result in pain in the lower back. It can also restrict your stride length, making walking and running harder/painful. Over time this will make the core less effective and weaker.  Incorporate hamstring stretches at the end of your workouts to balance the strength and flexibility of these muscles.  

The beauty of ABS is that we have so many options out there for us to pick from.  You can take classes at the local gym, buy videos & do workouts in the privacy of your home.  Youtube has thousands of awesome FREE short or long programs.  
However, the MOST important thing you must do is start small and build.  DO NOT OVER DO IT.  So many push themselves the first week and then they can't even laugh for 3 days.  

I spent days... many many hours (don't tell my hubby).  I was up until 2 or 3:00 in the morning watching different videos of abs/back/ham videos of ladies.  ALL FOR YOU!! 
But I found some great resources that I honestly feel are AWESOME!!! 

This gal Clare is amazing... I found her and was amazed with her blog & video.  Not only was her stuff GOOD.... but she had a GREAT focus on Jesus.  I was impressed her smile and joy during it all.  I fond myself excited about working out.  

Below is the link to her Abs & Lower back.  What you will see is videos with & without explanation.  Printouts and workout plans. It truly is amazing.  If you are a tech savy person you can explore her website and see many other body areas she has posted about.  

I have a friend from college who is a personal trainer.  She is amazing!  She has worked REALLY hard & I am SO PROUD of her.  She also has created many videos for ladies... I have linked her gallery of ALL her workout videos.  She has LOADS of the them!! I want to highlight one set that she calls 'Teeny Tiny Waist Challenge'.  Day #1-10  I encourage you all to try them!! 

Just remember we ALL had a day one... I am not an expert at anything.  I LOVE researching new things.  I love getting out in the water to swim and train for a race.  I LOVE the wind in my face during a long bike ride.  I dread putting on my running shoes.  The pounding beneath my feet is NOT the feeling I look forward to... but I make myself do it.  I know that I need to miles to train.  I know I need to build the strength to make it across the next finish line.    


1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, Megan! I sooooo need to work on my core over the next 6 months and am totally going to check out Calre's videos - thanks!
