Gluten free or Gluten Free & Dairy Free
When making the decision to change your diet in a big way you have a few choices.
Do I just eliminate the Gluten? Or do I eliminate Gluten & Dairy?
The more time consuming of the two is Gluten Free (GF). I say this because gluten can be hidden in so many items that we are not aware of. It takes more education & label reading when eliminating gluten from our diet. Reasons for GF diets range from medical, allergy, weight loss, personal choice, environmental, etc. Reasons aside, we all have to approach the GF diet the same way. A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). Initially, following a gluten-free diet may be frustrating. But with time, patience and creativity, you'll find there are many foods that you already eat that are gluten-free and you will find substitutes for gluten-containing foods that you can enjoy.
Not everyone who is eating a GF diet will see a significant weight loss. The average person will see a small %. GF diets are not designed for large weight loss and in my opinion shouldn't be used as a weight loss plan. GF is a smart way of life and a wonderful way to eat for longevity.
If you are one of those people who are looking for the weight loss, then I urge you to consider the Gluten Free & Dairy Free Lifestyle. WHY? The combination of the these two is where I can honestly say I see the magic in my life. Remember I also eliminate Soy which I believe to be a contributing factor, however, not something the average person needs to do. Again, this blog is FULL of my opinion and personal experiences. I can see your face, and hear the questions...
But what do I put in my cereal? How about yogurt? How am I going to bake? Etc.,
Remember there are options. And I am here to help!! Almond milk is a wonderful option (dark chocolate almond milk is AMAZING), Coconut milk is another option, Coconut milk yogurt is actually really good!! Earth balance makes a butter substitute for those who absolutely need this. These are just a few examples. Oh, and eggs are NOT a dairy item, this seems to be a confusion for some people. They are found in the dairy section of the store, but they are protein!! Dairy Free can be a hard thing for people to let go, but I promise you it's not as hard as the pounds coming off when you are over weight.
If you are someone who has the weight to shed... I am talking to you!! I hear this statement almost EVERYDAY... "But you have a medical problem and it's easy for you to say NO to the food! How am I supposed to say NO when I don't have a medical problem?"
I have thought about this for some time and I have a response. Some might think this is harsh and un-loving. But here is goes...
"If you are miserable and unhappy, if you look in the mirror and hate what you see, if your body image and weight is getting in the way of your marriage then you have a problem. Saying NO should be worth it. If you don't do something about it NOW... you may have a medical problem one day. Wouldn't you rather say YOU fixed it?"
I am HERE to help. I've been in your shoes... I posted my fat pictures on the web for the world to see... I promise I am here for you!!! But YOU have to be the one to make that choice."
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